Multi-scale reliability-based design optimisation framework for fibre-reinforced composite laminates

Of course, grievances may or may not be a valid measure of morale, but it is less subject to human subjectivity, and therefore more reliable. A second source of unreliable observation is asking imprecise or ambiguous questions. For instance, if you ask people what their salary is, different respondents may interpret this question differently as monthly salary, annual salary, or per hour wage, and hence, the resulting observations will likely be highly divergent multi-scale analysis and unreliable. Reliability is the degree to which the measure of a construct is consistent or dependable. In other words, if we use this scale to measure the same construct multiple times, do we get pretty much the same result every time, assuming the underlying phenomenon is not changing? Quite likely, people will guess differently, the different measures will be inconsistent, and therefore, the “guessing” technique of measurement is unreliable.

multi-scale reliability analysis

In general, the paper provides a reference to perform the PDEM-based reliability assessment for multiple limit states and multiple failure patterns in the future. The enhanced framework presents less calculation burden and shows comparative calculation accuracy with the MCS. It is worth noting here that when there are multiple uncertain variables, the intersection of the multi-CEM components indeed can be complex, which, unavoidably, cannot be observed intuitively and accurately. In view of this, the components with failure risk (−1≤βi≤1) will be selected and combined in pairs. Through spatial transformation and scattering points, the scattered samples belonging to the overlapping region can be determined by using Equation . Then an approximate single ellipsoid model is established based on these sample points, and the reliability of the structure is calculated by Equation .

Application of Rejection Sampling based methodology to variance based parametric sensitivity analysis

In the last section, the fragility curves which are most suited for use in the European context are selected, with the indication of parameters and relevant information. The selection has been based both on the data supporting the models and on the adopted systemic approach to the simulation of EPN within the SYNER-G general methodology for infrastructural systems’ vulnerability assessment. The latter adopts a capacitive, detailed flow-based modelling with short-circuits propagation over the network and requires the modelling of the substation internal logic. Firstly the pseudo excitation method in random theory is utilized to transform the motion equation of system under the non-stationary stochastic seismic excitations into the transient response equation under deterministic external loads.

multi-scale reliability analysis

In this example, the three-dimensional bounded uncertain variables x1, x2, and x3 are considered, which are all assumed to follow the normal distribution in theory with the median values 3.358, 3.064, and 3.800, respectively. However, the samples of the uncertain variables are limited, which are listed in Table 3. A complete and adequate assessment of validity must include both theoretical and empirical approaches. As shown in Figure 7.4, this is an elaborate multi-step process that must take into account the different types of scale reliability and validity. Split-half reliability is a measure of consistency between two halves of a construct measure. For instance, if you have a ten-item measure of a given construct, randomly split those ten items into two sets of five , and administer the entire instrument to a sample of respondents.

Example: seismic reliability of four-substation power network

The Cronbach alpha is now .763 for 3 items, with an improved inter-item correlation and item-total Statistics. Conceptual Model adapted from & Four independent variables perceived usefulness , perceived ease of use , Habit & trust with a dependent variable Behavioral Intent are used as part of this demo. Each factor contains 4 questions , totalling 20 questions (i.e. 5 factors x 4 questions for each factor). Internal consistency is used when you want to know whether the items on a test or scale are consistent with each other (i.e. showing that they measure 1 and only 1 thing). Face validity refers to whether an indicator seems to be a reasonable measure of its underlying construct “on its face”.

The available samples of the uncertain variables are shown in Figure 7 and listed in Table 1. It can be intuitively observed that the samples are distributed in two separate clusters. For the situation that the limit state surface divides the whole uncertainty domain into two parts, two cases can be, respectively, researched as shown in Figure 6.

Why is availability limited?

Furthermore, for the purpose of developing emergency or recovery plans, it is often of interest to determine the updated reliability of the system or its components for given scenario events or events that have actually occurred. This paper aims at developing methodologies for such analyses, which are well suited for application to complex systems. Complex systems are characterized by large numbers of components, cut sets or link sets, or by statistical dependence between the component states.

  • The global structural integrity analysis of a targeted bridge is made by processing and analyzing the measured vibration signals incurred by external loads such as wind and traffic flow.
  • Firstly the pseudo excitation method in random theory is utilized to transform the motion equation of system under the non-stationary stochastic seismic excitations into the transient response equation under deterministic external loads.
  • Combing the multi-CEM with the SOAM, and performing the HL-RF iteration algorithm, the NPR analysis is conducted under a series of thresholds to assess the reliability of the AR glasses.
  • B) In the Reliability Analysis window, Select the first 4 items, PU1 to PU4 .

The first two models approach the problem from a connectivity perspective, whereas the last three consider also power flow analysis. To illustrate the utility of the five models, the well-known IEEE-118 test case, assumed to be located in the central United States, is considered. Performances of the five models are compared using both system-level and component-level measures. Highest ρ values, at both system- and component-level, are obtained, as expected, between M1 and M2, and within models M3 to M5. The ρ values between component-level measures are relatively high across all models, indicating that simpler ones are appropriate for vulnerability assessment and retrofit prioritization.

Structural Reliability Analysis by Using Non-Probabilistic Multi-Cluster Ellipsoidal Model

Obviously, if two ellipsoids with failure risk do not intersect, the sample set determined by Equation is empty, and no further consideration is required. With the development in global economic and transportation engineering, the traffic loads on brides have been growing steadily, which become potential safety hazards for existing bridges. In particular, long-span suspension bridges support heavy traffic volumes and simultaneous truck loads on the bridge deck, and thus the safety and serviceability of the bridge deserves investigation. In this book, a multiscale reliability method is presented for the safety assessment of long-span bridges. The multiscale failure condition of stiffness girders is the first-passage criteria for the large-scale model and the fatigue damage criteria for the small-scale model.

Evaluating patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for future … –

Evaluating patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for future ….

Posted: Fri, 17 Mar 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

It also enables us to deal with statistical dependence both in spatial and temporal senses through the decomposition of the reliability analysis in space and time aspects. In these regards, the proposed approach performs a reliability analysis with the dynamic responses in time domain. This dynamic reliability analysis approach can consider uncertainties in system parameters and earthquake excitations simultaneously. In addition, the peak response over a time duration is used to describe the limit state of the structural system, which provides a more realistic measure of the failure probability of a structural system than instantaneous probability.

Please complete this reCAPTCHA to demonstrate that it’s you making the requests and not a robot. If you are having trouble seeing or completing this challenge, this page may help. This article can also be used as a class activity to publish assignments and evidence of students learning over time and effectively implement them in a classroom. B) In the Reliability Analysis window, Select the first 4 items, PU1 to PU4 . By selecting the right arrow in the picture, move the items into the items box in the picture.

multi-scale reliability analysis

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